What is Nutrition Response Testing?

What does Nutrition Response Testing Address?

What Improvements will I Notice?

What is the Nutritional Healing Program?

Where Did Nutrition Response Testing Originate?

Who Can Benefit?

Weight Loss



Fatigue Versus Chronic Fatigue

Fatigue and Insomnia

Adrenal Exhaustion or Thyroid Fatigue

Digestive Conditions

Acid Reflux

Emotional Conditions

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions

Low Energy

Neurological Conditions


Headaches / Migraines


Respiratory Conditions

Skin Hair Nails Conditions

Female-specific Conditions (Menopause) Part 1

Female-specific Conditions (Menopause) Part 2

Female-specific Conditions (Menopause) Part 3

Female-specific Conditions (Menopause) Part 4

Proper Nutrition Essential in Comprehensive Cancer Care


 Female-specific Conditions Featuring a New Look at Menopause

(The Secret Revealed)

Part 2

(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 144-147, from the Book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)

        Let's be honest. Most women today fear menopause. They believe it will be the worst time of their lives, bringing unwanted symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats and sleepless nights, mood swings, panic attacks and osteoporosis. Who wouldn't be afraid? "Make it go away," women cry. And the wizards of Madison Avenue and the big pharmaceutical corporations -"Big Pharma" hear you and promote it.

        "Buy these drugs and it will be better," they say.

       Is this scenario inevitable? Is menopause really a disease requiring drugs or surgery? What if the accepted explanation for a difficult transition through menopause is incorrect? What if the food we put in our mouths is the real culprit? Are there actually hidden health problems holding us back -and can they be successfully addressed using a holistic approach? What if a woman's mental and physical well being during menopause is really about attaining good overall health and not about treating symptoms?

        In truth, menopause is (1) inevitable and (2) not a disease. I agree with the Mayo Clinic's viewpoint on this one. That said, menopause does not have to be a terrible experience. Once there were places on Planet Earth where the transition from childbearing years to menopause was seamless; no hot flashes, no night sweats, no heart disease and no osteoporosis.

         These were places where women didn't eat processed sugar and foods containing preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. They consumed whole, fresh foods and, interestingly, experienced little or no difficulty with menopause.

         Women today hear from the medical establishment that menopausal symptoms are the result of too much or tou little estrogen or progesterone. In addition, we're told that these two hormones playa major role in women's menses. Well, if this is true, it's important to note that synthetic chemicals (like the ones used to grow your food) are a major force creating significant imbalances in those two hormones -especially estrogen! For the whole sordid story, I suggest you read Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival? A Scientific Detective Story, by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers, with a Foreword by Al Gore

         It is no wonder women today may have hormone problems. Think back to your struggles with menstruation when you were young. What was your diet like? What chemicals were you exposed to? And what about now -years or even decades later? What exactly do you think is in those marvelous products you use on a daily basis for personal hygiene -perfumes, cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners, skincare products, body lotions, aerosol sprays, air fresheners, detergents and bathroom cleansers? You are being poisoned. And, like it or not -deny it or not, that old marketing adage "Better Living through Chemistry" is catching up with our generation and our children. Our health is at risk -and it won't go away unless we take action.

         The number of women III this country undergoing hysterectomies rises every year. Following surgery, they are told they need "hormone replacement therapy" (HRT). This is medication containing one or more female hormones (usually estrogen and progesterone). But the truth is the ovaries are not the only source of estrogen production in the female body.

         For all postmenopausal women, no matter how you got there, plenty of estrogen comes from adipose (fat tissue) and the adrenal glands. So, unless women have lost their fat tissue and adrenal glands, the persistence of symptoms is due to something besides hormone deficiencies. Fact!

Female-specific Conditions Part 3