What is Nutrition Response Testing?

What does Nutrition Response Testing Address?

What Improvements will I Notice?

What is the Nutritional Healing Program?

Where Did Nutrition Response Testing Originate?

Who Can Benifit?

Weight Loss



Fatigue Versus Chronic Fatigue

Fatigue and Insomnia

Adrenal Exhaustion or Thyroid Fatigue

Digestive Conditions

Acid Reflux

Emotional Conditions

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions

Low Energy

Neurological Conditions


Headaches / Migraines


Respiratory Conditions

Skin Hair Nails Conditions

Female-specific Conditions (Menopause) Part 1

Female-specific Conditions (Menopause) Part 2

Female-specific Conditions (Menopause) Part 3

Female-specific Conditions (Menopause) Part 4

Proper Nutrition Essential in Comprehensive Cancer Care



(The following is a quoted excerpt, pages 86-89, from the book The Great Health Heist © by Paul Rosen J.D.,L.Ac. Published by Warren Publishing, Inc.)

         Over 20 million people are type-2 diabetics, with another 54 million ready to join their ranks as pre-diabetics. The scary part is that over half the pre-diabetics don't even know they are in danger.

         In a June 19, 2007 article, Reuters reported that one out of every eight U.S. federal health care dollars is spent treating people with diabetes.  The study, based on federal spending data from 2005, found that it cost $79.7 billion more to treat people with diabetes than those without.

          As of 2002, over $132 billion was spent treating diabetes and all it's complications.  This last figure will surely rise.

          Sales of medicines to treat diabetes are projected to soar 60- 68 percent by 2009 from 2006 levels.  In 2005, total drug sales reached almost $10 billion.  And over the next 30 years, diabetes is expected to claim the lives of 62 million Americans.

         What exactly is diabetes?  According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), "Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin.  Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.  The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles."

         Unfortunately, the ADA appears to be one of the main reasons diabetics remain diabetic, especially those diagnosed with type 2 symptoms.  For one thing, despite the 2005 revision of the government's food pyramid both versions recommend consuming whole grains.  This is not necessarily a bad thing but in the case of a diabetic, the ADA's failure to warn off such consumption is concerning. This is because grains, like sugar and other concentrated sweeteners, are high-glycemic foods and cause a spike in insulin production, simply adding to a diabetic's insulin resistance.

         And I am here to tell you: Any diabetic who continues to eat grains (things like bread, pasta, tortillas and Chinese takeout rice), while thinking it is okay, is simply in denial.  Such a person is misinformed and doing him or herself great harm!  For another, Western medicine and the ADA subscribe to the notion that diabetes is a disease of blood sugar.  But high blood sugar is the symptom of diabetes, not the cause.  Current research reveals that diabetes is actually a disease of hormone signaling.  Normal hormone signaling, or control, depends on a "happy" endocrine system.  Normalize the endocrine system and you've got the solution.  

         Comprised of the glands (pituitary, pineal, thyroid, thymus; pancreas, which is a digestive organ as well, ovaries/testis and adrenals) and the hormones they produce, the endocrine system regulates most of the body's organs, cells and their functions.  Acting as a kind of "command central," the endocrine system helps regulate mood, metabolism, development and growth, tissue function and reproduction. 

         Moreover, the proper functioning of the endocrine system, especially as it relates to the pancreas (the insulin-producing gland), depends on a fully functional autonomic nervous system (autonomic meaning self-regulating or regulating without your willful control); both of these systems must be unhindered and properly nourished to maintain normal operation.  If you are pre-diabetic or a confirmed diabetic, herein lies the rub.

         If you don't find the hidden health problems hindering your endocrine and/or autonomic nervous systems and focus only on managing blood sugar, then you will remain a diabetic for life.  Well, now you have a choice!  Why fight your pains and ills with one hand tied behind your back?

         So how do we restore proper operation to your endocrine system?  Answer: by using Nutrition Response TestingSM to find the missing piece, which is your body's hidden health problem.  And for heaven's sake, stop eating grains and sugar. When you make a commitment to follow your new personalized health improvement program to the letter, you will have no more blood sugar problems.

        “Bill,” a middle-aged man in otherwise good health, had recently been given bad news.  His blood sugars were climbing. He was put on an oral drug, Metformin, and told to watch his diet.   Fortunately for Bill, the drugs were not working well.   He noticed that the symptoms he suffered (fatigue, brain fog and migrating body pains) just got worse.  After a good deal of soul searching he reached a crossroads.   He decided to pursue alternative methods to handle his blood sugar problems and responded to my radio program, “Health Matters,” in Portland, Oregon.

        After undergoing an evaluation at my clinic, Bill got his individualized heal improvement program and started following it.  Within two weeks, his blood sugars dropped.  His brain was clear and he found his energy returning to a less painful body.  As of this writing, his blood sugars are normal without any medications.